Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Adrian Gonzalez won his first, of hopefully many, Gold Glove today. The San Diego native, and smooth fielding first baseman was one of the lone bright spots in an otherwise dismal season for the Padres.

Straight from the Padres site ....
SAN DIEGO -- John Boggs, the agent for San Diego first baseman Adrian Gonzalez, was talking about the National League All-Star last month, though the conversation wasn't so much about his offense as his defense.

"What does he got to do to win a Gold Glove?" Boggs said.

On Wednesday, Boggs and Gonzalez got their answer, as the 26-year-old was awarded the National League's Rawlings Gold Glove Award for his defensive play at first base.

It is the first Gold Glove Award for Gonzalez and the 20th in franchise history, as well as the first for a first baseman in franchise history.

Gonzalez, the 10th Padre to win the award, joins the likes of Tony Gwynn, Ozzie Smith, Dave Winfield and Ken Caminiti.

Gonzalez, who along with Philadelphia's Ryan Howard were the only National League players to appear in 162 games last season, tied with Houston's Lance Berkman and St. Louis' Albert Pujols for the best fielding percentage (.996) among NL first basemen.

The left-handed Gonzalez made six errors in 1,442 chances in 161 games at first base.

"He made plays with his arm," said Padres manager Bud Black, who often marveled at Gonzalez's ability to make the 3-6-3 double play look easy.

Gonzalez, a first-time All-Star, wasn't bad with the bat, either. He hit .279 with 36 home runs and 119 RBIs, ranking fifth in the league in home runs and third in RBIs.

"Without him, I do not know where we would be. He's played pretty much every day. He's been tremendous, with the power, the RBIs, the defense; he's been an All-Star performer, no doubt. He's been our best player," Black said.

Also, Greg Maddux picked up a record 18th Gold Glove Award of his illustrious career, named the NL recipient for pitchers. Maddux, traded to the Dodgers on Aug. 19, made just three errors in 77 chances overall, including his time with the Padres before the waiver trade. He was involved in four more double plays, extending his all-time record for a pitcher to 98.

Corey Brock is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.

Play Ball !!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

GM Meetings 2008

Todd Kauffman Bio
Planet Padres Beat Writer


The San Diego Padres could be in for some huge changes going into the 2009 season. New players coming in, familiar faces going out and possibly a player that was supposed to be the face of this franchise, may not be a Padre when the season opens next April.

As the GM Meetings open today in Dana Point, there's only one topic that Padre fans want to talk about, and that topic is whether or not Jake Peavy will be in a Padres uniform in 2009. According to reports, General Manager Kevin Towers is talking to at least three teams about the possibility of trading the Padres' ace. The one team that seems to be on the top of that list is the Atlanta Braves, but Towers says any deal will be based on quality not quantity, meaning any deal he makes with any team will have to involve the right players in return.

"In any type of Peavy deal, ideally we'd get pitching, but we want the best players back and are focusing to improve our club in '09 and beyond,"

said Towers. "If a deal presents itself that doesn't make us better, then I don't see us moving him."

A player that might be included in the deal, from San Diego, is long time short stop Khalil Greene. The Padres seem to have tired of his constant injuries and lack of offensive ability the past few years, so why not include him in the deal?

If you're asking me about all this, I think dealing Peavy is the wrong way to go about "rebuilding," if in fact that's what the Padres are doing. Jake is still one of the premier pitchers in not just the National League, but in all of baseball, so why get rid of a big time pitcher like that?

Do I think this team can win in 2009, absolutely. Let's not kid ourselves here, these young players showed they know how to win. I know fans have been impatient for a number of years, yes I know the argument of "we were promised this and we were promised that," continues to come up but this franchise is almost to the point where they're reaping the benefits of rebuilding their farm system. You saw players like Chase Headley, Will Venable, Wade LeBlanc and Josh Geer come up and make an impact, and they weren't even up for a full season, imagine what they could do with a full season with the Padres.

This team isn't going to spend money like Boston, New York and LA, but I believe they have the talent to really be a surprise in the NL West next year. Don't believe me, that's fine, I'll still be here if I'm wrong, but I think the 2009 team is going to be a team Padre fans will really enjoy

Play Ball !!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mark Prior Halloweeen Update

October 15th San Diego, CA

Planet Padres ran into Mark Prior (and family) at a local pumpkin patch in Mission Valley, and had a chance to have a very informal, unofficial, quick conversation with him. He was simply there doing the Halloween family thing and disturbing his family outing wasn't our goal, but of course we had to say hello. Below are some pictures and a paraphrased version of our conversation to give a little update on how he's doing.

We asked Mark a couple of questions-
PP: Mark you look fit, how does your arm feel.........?
Prior: It feels very good right now......
PP: Are you looking to comeback to the Padres next year ?
Prior: I really hope I'm back next year, this is where I want to be.......
PP: Can we look forward to seeing you in Peoria next Spring, or is it too soon to say ?
Prior: I hope that's where I am come spring time, San Diego is where me and my family want to be.....

Again this is paraphrasing our brief conversation, as no recorder was used. We then went on to take a few shots of Mark to illustrate that, while he's not throwing, he is lifting a wheel barrow and placing direct pressure and weight on his surgically repaired shoulder.

Aside from everything else, this guy has a mean eye for the squash......Some fine choices were made this day.

As you can plainly see, he's having no issues with about 150lbs of downward pull on his shoulder. Again while this of course isn't throwing a baseball, it would sure seem that this 28 year old, former CY caliber arm very well might finally be on the road to recovery.

So the question becomes do the Padres take another shot with Mark and throw him a bone like they did last year ? The way we see it is that the $$$ still is worth the low risk involved. This Friar fan sure hopes they bring back Prior once again in the hopes that his troubles are behind him finally.

Play Ball !!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

2008 Grades

2008 Grades

Well as much as it pains me to do this, and beleive me it does, here are the following grades as this friar fan sees it.

1b - A+ Well we might as well start off with one of our only shining spots of the season in Adrian Gonzalez. This guy continues to be an amazing player and put up outstanding #'s in his 3rd full season. He hit for a career high in HR's in one of the toughest hitter parks in MLB, and career highs in RBI on a team that sported one of if not the worst OBP in baseball. That means he was driving in runs almost every time he could. I'm not sure the team could have expected anything more from this position this year.

2b- C- This 2nd base started out the year as a complete disaster as Tad Iguchi, brought in specifically to shore up this hole, got off to a horrible start eventually landing on the DL. The only reason this grade is up at all is due to the emergence and pleasant surprise of Edgar Gonzalez. He was called on to start when Iguchi went down, and was able to hit over .300 for a sustained period of time, before finally tailing off toward the end of the year.

3b- B- Kevin Kouzmanoff played a full season, and posted career highs in HR's and RBI, but also saw his OBP drop below the .300 mark by the end of the season. It was his 2nd full season at the big league level, and many were hoping for much more from the hitting side, but what they got instead was excellent defense. What was his biggest knock, became his biggest strength in 2008, and might just have put Kouz on the ML map for 3bags. If he is a Padre next year, I fully expect to see big #'s from this guy as his 3rd year could very well be his break out season.

SS- F What a huge disappointment Khalil Greene was this year. Posting career lows in just about every category, he seemed to only regress from every angle ultimately landing on the DL after having a meltdown, punching a wall, and breaking his hand. Luis Rodriguez filled in regularly after that, and while LRod can play defense fairly well, the lineup suffered greatly.

LF- C Once again the mess that is the LF corner reared its ugly head this year. The Padres couldn't decide whether to give the spot to Scott Hairston who plays solid defense, has some speed, showed tremendous power, but was very inconsistant at the plate.....or to go with Paul McAnulty who could very well be a good ML hitter, yet can't run or play Defense like Hairston. Finally they settled on bringing up Chase Headley, and giving the rookie his shot to play everyday. The one thing to take away from this position this season is that at least Chase got to play full time at this level and now knows what it takes to play at the ML level. Hopefully that will translate into a great 2009 from this kid whether it's in LF or at 3rd.

CF- C+ Jim Edmonds was a complete disaster and turned out to be a total flop trade for the Padres. He was a shot in the dark and our 4th option for a CFer going into last year, and just didn't pan out. However once the Padres finally severed ties with the veteran they handed the reigns over to a guy on the comeback trail, Jody Gerut. In Gerut the Padres found gold ! Coming off multiple knee injuries the jury was still out on if he could still play, but those questions have all been answered ......and it's a resounding YES ....... He will likely be the starting CFer going into 2009 and hopefully for a few years to come.

RF- A The model of consitency, and prototype ballplayer that this organization needs. The only shame is that we can't clone him and run him out to all the OF positions. Brian Giles had another fantastic season hitting over .300 with an OBP right at .400. True his HR power has been lost to age, but this guy can still play an outstanding RF. He's got an option for 2009, and I for one sure hope that the Padres don't screw around and hurry to pick that option up.

C- D+ The combonation of Bard and Barrett was very disapppointing, and once again Barrett left much to be desired and didn't live up to his career norms. This position had it's major challenges this year also however as it was ravaged by injuries ultimately counting on a AAA and AA catcher to platoon and get the job done, and the positon remained another huge hole in the lineup. Hundley and Carlin were able to do one thing however and that was stop the opposing running game, something Bard and Barrett were unable to accomplish.

Bullpen- G The G is for complete and utter failure where an F simply wouldn't suffice, which is what our bullpen was this year. They blew lead after lead, let runners score at will.......and seemed unable to slam any door shut. Kevin Towers has had remarkable success building bullpens year after year with what many consider castoffs, but this year just about everything they tried ended wrong. The long bright spot was the emergence of Mike Adams. Hopefully he can build on his 2008 season have a full season of success in 2009.

Bench- D Between guys like Crabbe, Myrow, Huber & Clark its easy to understand just how bad this bench was this year. And in a season filled with so many key injuries it stuck out like a sore thumb when it was called on to fill in regularly. This cannot repeat itself next year if the Padres have any hope of competing.

Rotation- C- Peavy, CY, Maddux, Wolf, Estes ......... The season started with expectations of a totally dominant rotation, but those hopes quickly fizzled when Peavy, CY & Estes all got injured. Luckily Peavy's injury wasn't as bad as originally thought, and we were also lucky that CY's injury to his face seems to have no lasting effects. However relying on Maddux and Wolf as our 1-2 punch with a load of castoffs filling in the blanks took it's toll and the results were disasterous for the season. By the time Peavy got back, even the staff ace couldn't make up the difference. In the end the Padres traded away both Maddux and Wolf, in favor of brining up a few young kids to give them a taste of the bigs. Wade LeBlanc , the changeup artist, appeared overmatched, during the majority of his outtings, but Josh Geer might be a guy to keep an eye on. Having no special pitches, Josh appears to have a great baseball head, and seemed to approach each batter with a plan.

Overall- D This season was entered with huge expectations, mainly that holes had been plugged, and the needed fixes were made from the season before where the Padres fell short of the playoffs by one game........Clearly this was not the case, and it's back to the drawing board for the Brain Trust. The best thing to take away from this season might be how many young players got some amazing exposure to the big leagues. Hopefully that will help show them what it takes to play at this level, and they can take that with them back to the farm and build on it.

Play Ball !!!

Ft. Wayne gets a new name

The Single A affiliate in Ft. Wayne gets a new name and logo.......They will go from the Wizards, to the Tin Caps, and it looks like it should be a pretty fun hat to own. Click on the logo above to be taken to the site. The name is in reference to the legend of Johnny Appleseed, but is causing some controversy over how accurate the depiction of Appleseed with a pot on his head really is.

How about we just enjoy the logo and not put too much thought into whether or not it represents something accurate or not.............IT'S JUST A LOGO !!! Speaking of which here is the official logo.

10/2/2008 9:35:00 AM
Fort Wayne TinCaps!

Fort Wayne, IN - When Parkview Field opens next season, Fort Wayne and the surrounding communities in Northeast Indiana, Northwest Ohio and Southern Michigan will be cheering on the Fort Wayne TinCaps. Hardball Capital CEO Jason Freier, and team general manager Mike Nutter, unveiled the team’s new identity and logo at a press conference at the Grand Wayne Center this morning.

The “TinCaps” moniker is a reference to the beloved pioneer Johnny Appleseed, who was known for wearing his tin cooking pot upon his head. The primary logo will be an apple wearing Johnny’s trademark “Tin Cap.” Two alternate logos will incorporate the City’s initials, “FW” with each a “Tin Cap” and an apple stem and leaf. The team’s primary color scheme will consist of organic colors -- green, red and brown. This color scheme is consistent with both the Johnny Appleseed theme and the project goal of creating Parkview Field as a true park and gathering place within the center of downtown Fort Wayne.

“In Minor League Baseball you have the opportunity to create a brand that with a true regional flavor,” stated General Manager, Mike Nutter. “Johnny Appleseed, while known nationally, is a regional pioneer and folk hero. His story, and the history of this area, gives us an identity that is distinctively Fort Wayne. Johnny was a pioneer of the Midwest frontier in a time with seemingly endless opportunity. We feel a part of a new frontier in Fort Wayne’s growing downtown with the continued development of the Harrison Square project.”

Although the name and identity were arrived at (and were working their way through Minor League Baseball’s processes) prior to the time that the agreement was reached with Parkview Health to be the naming rights partner at Parkview Field, the confluence of the apple theme’s classic symbol of health and well-being, and the partnership with Parkview is viewed by both the team and Parkview as fortuitous.

The creation of a new identity for the team began with a community-wide “Re-Name the Team” contest that drew over 2,500 suggestions over the course of the two week entry period. Further input was collected from the community regarding some of the more prevalent categories identified as a result of the contest entries. At the close of the process all of the suggestions and input were considered by local and national marketing experts along with the team’s staff and ownership. The team sought a new identity that had its roots in the Fort Wayne community, would appeal to a wide audience and was unique in the crowded national sports landscape.

The TinCaps will begin play at Parkview Field on Thursday, April 16th at 7:00pm when they take on the Dayton Dragons on Opening Day of the new ballpark.

Play Ball !!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Padres are smoked in first two games with Dodgers

That's all I wanna say on this subject...... well that at MY GOD MANNY RAMIREZ OWNS US !!!

Ok I'm done.......

Play Ball !!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Padres sweep Nats, and likely their chances at Strasburg

Well the Padres entered this series with the Nationals tied with them in the race for Strasburg ( or the 1st overall pick), and proceeded to sweep the hapless Nats, and likely their chances of obtaining the top pick at the same time. The Seattle Mariners have thrown away the season it appears, and might have secured the worst record in MLB with a poor showing vs. the Royals. Meanwhile the Padres are now looking at the 3rd overall pick, and that could likely mean no Strasburg. There is always the possibility that he'll fall in the draft a spot or two, this all depends on whether or not other teams feel they can sign him or afford him. Seattle shouldn't have a problem doing either, but they might be looking to target a position player and not a pitcher. Doubtful, but possible.

Meanwhile through all the badness of 2008 AGon continued his onslaught with the bat, and quietly posted one of the best seasons of any Padres 1bman in the history of the franchise. With a week left in the season, he's still got a chance to climb even higher on those lists as well. At season end I'll give a run down on exactly what he's accomplsihsed, but so far he's hit 35 HR's and has 116 RBI, on a dismal team making it all the more impressive.

Final week of baseball coming up everyone, then it's what hopefully will be one of the most active and best offseasons for this team in recent memory.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
San Diego
2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 6 8 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
2 8 1


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Warning........warning........warning......hijinx in full swing

Want to play Major League Baseball ? Want to be a Sept. call up ? Welcome to the 2008 San Diego Padres Rookie's.

Not sure what else to say about this so I don't think I'll say anything at all.........

Play Ball !!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Padres take game 1 from the Rocks

Wade LeBlanc had another solid if not good outting making only one big mistake to Troy Tulowitski in the 4th inning giving up a Grand Slam Homerun, but that was the only scoring he allowed. He went 6ip, scattered 7 hits, 4er, and K'd 6.

Wade had a shaky debut, but has really settled down to pitch very well in his last two. He's a changeup artist that constantly keeps hitters off balance by locating a few different types of changeups all over the zone. He tops out around 88-89 and sits around 86-88 so it's very important for him to be able to locate his pitches. He's one of the young arms that will be bidding for a rotation spot in 2009.

Matt Antonelli had a decent day at the plate, notching his first ML HR. The converted 3rd baseman was the nations #1 2nd base prospect last year, but fell a bit off the radar as Portland proved a tough adjustment for him. He did however make that adjustment and during his last month there prior to call up he hit around .300 and was driving the ball well. The Padres have high hopes for Matt's development, and that he has a chance to be a very special player and contributor to the future of the ballclub. He will have a chance to earn a starting role out of spring in 2009, but a trip back to Portland to polish up his skillset could be more beneficial in the long run.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
San Diego
2 0 6 1 0 0 1 0 1
11 18 0
0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0
5 10 0

Play Ball !!!

What the 1st overall pick in the 2009 draft might get

With the Padres 2008 season a near complete loss, it's time to start focusing on how to salvage as much as possible from this year, and put all efforts to improving things for years to come. The worst part about discussing things like this is that many frown upon this type of talk as taboo, suggesting things like giving up, and that you never try to lose. I fully understand that view point, but in this persons opinion it's all perspective. I prefer to see this as ultimately trying to win more. It's tough to say out loud, but at this stage, the very best thing that could happen to our boys is that they lose come in dead last in MLB. The very last place team earns the right to the 1st overall pick in the MLB draft, and don't fret Padre fans, remember this isn't the same FO as it was back when Matt Bush was drafted with this pick.
There is a specific kid that is likely going to be snatched up with that #1 pick, and his name is Stephen Strasburg. He's a big, strong, power pitching righty out of SDSU.........yup in our own backyard under Tony Gwynn's instruct. This year he was the only collegiate player to make the trip to China and play in the Olympics.......By the time the games were over, everyone in the baseball world knew exactly who this flamethrower was. This guy is so advanced already that it's conceiveable that he'll spend less than 2 full seasons on the farm before he's brought up. This of course could be wishful thinking on my part, but I think he's that good. So here is the write up on this along with us.........

Play Ball !!!

Strasburg, Stephen
Position: RHP
Bats/Throws: R/R
Ht/Wt: 6′5/215
Born: 7/20/1988
School: San Diego State

2008 Stats:
NCAA: 8-1, 1.57 ERA, 97 IP, 16 BB, 133 K
USA Baseball (Collegiate): 3-0, 1.06 ERA, 34 IP, 16 H, 6 BB, 48 K
USA Baseball (Olympic): 1-1, 2.45 ERA, 11 IP, 7 H, 1 BB, 16 K

Strasburg is the most hyped player in the country heading into 2009. Already thought of as the top pitcher in college, Strasburg recorded 23 strikeouts while throwing a one hitter against Utah on April 11.

“I’ve seen a lot of baseball,” said SDSU coach Tony Gwynn. “I have never seen anything like that.”

Strasburg throws his fastball in the upper 90’s and has been reported as high as 100. He also throws a plus plus slider and an effective changeup. He changes speeds well and moves the ball around the strikezone. Strasburg’s delivery is smooth and easy.

He was the closer for San Diego State in 2007.

U.S. Olympics Team manger Davey Johnson on Strasburg- He’s a power pitcher. He is in the high 90’s and he throws strikes. That is kind of a rarity for even Triple-A-type guys. Here’s a guy who pounds the strike zone awfully good and he was lights out in the tournament. He is one of my starters.”

2008 USA Baseball Olympic Team
2008 USA Baseball National (Collegiate) Team
2008 NCBWA District Player of the Year
2008 Louisville Slugger All-American Team
2008 MWC Pitcher of the Year
2007 Lousville Slugger Freshman All-American
2007 Mountain West co-freshman of the year

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Padres behind Baek beat up the Dodgers

Cha Seung Baek had his best start of the year, maybe his pro career yesterday, and completely shutdown the Dodgers. He went 7 strong going giving up 3 hits and 2 walks shutting out the Dodgers. Bell came in to toss a perfect inning, and handed the ball to Mike Adams who gave up 1 hit, but finished off the team to the north to preserve the shutout.

AGon went deep to LF for his 29th of the year and also notched his 99th RBI of the season. Kouz had an RBI single to LF, but was caught drifting off 1st when Manny Rameriz's weak throw didn't make it to home.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
LA Dodgers
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
San Diego
2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 X 4 8 1

Play Ball !!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

CY close but no cigar

Padres win 10-1

Chris Young was perfect through 8, but was unable to complete the historic mission of the first pitcher in franchise history to toss a Perfecto when Gabe Kapler took him deep to end it. He did however record his first complete game of the season and the Padres went on to stomp the Brew Crew in convincing fashion taking 2-3 from Milwaukee.

Despite fielding what is essentially a team made up of AAA and a few AA guys, the Padres are playing some of their best baseball this year. Chase Headley and Kevin Kouzmanoff both went deep, while the core& imediate future players like Kouzmanoff, Gonzalez, Venable, Headley, Hundley, and Kazmar all had RBI. While this season may be lost as far as playoffs go, it is refreshing to see the kids that have been called up continue to contribute. This at least shows that the future is bright, and that it's close to arriving.

Continued success by our kids will do two things........give fans something to look forward to seeing next year, and up their potential trade value should the team decide to move someone in an effort to better the team in another area.

Kouzmanoff seems to always be the guy on the block, mainly due to the franchise having Chase Headley to fall back on. If he's moved, Chase would slide into 3rd, allowing for Venable (maybe) to take over the LF duties next year. Having Venable in LF and Jody Gerut in CF would make for a very very athletic duo that could cover a great deal of ground out there. So the question remains this.......If he's (Kouz) is moved, what do you try to get back in return ? A Shortstop to replace Khalil Greene ? A starting pitcher ? What ? So the speculation is running crazy among the fandome as to what the FO might do.

Whatever they do decide I sure hope they get back quality in return on this deal and we're not duped or fleeced by some GM.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
San Diego
0 0 5 0 1
0 4 0 0 10 14 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2

Play Ball !!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Passing the time in the bullpen

Did you ever wonder what the guys stuck out in the bullpen do during the game to pass time when the cameras aren't on them ? Well wonder no more.............

Welcome to the game of Cups

I happened to catch this video one weekend in August, and it just hit me as funny watching these guys who were so bored that they would do and play anything just to pass the time until the phone rang. And yes even HOFer's get involved in the mix.

Enjoy the game within the game........

Play Ball !!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Padres take series in Denver

The Padres took 2 of 3 from division rival Colorado Rockies this weekend behind some very strong hitting, believe it or not ! Kevin Kouzmanoff had back to back to back 3 hit games, while Luis Rodriguez had back to back multi-hit games. And yesterday it came to a head as the Padres routed the Rockies 16-7, behind the power of Kouz, Gerut, Giles & Carlin who notched his first big league HR of his career, an opposite way shot over the Lft/Ctr wall.

But not to be forgotten in any way shape or form was that the top 5 of the Padres lineup completely wore out Rockies pitching yesterday. Each had a multi-hit game, and Jody Gerut & Brian Giles were wrecking machines as they seemed impossible to get out.

Also Chase Headley showed the kind of plate discipline that Sandy Alderson and our FO has been preaching by collecting 3 walks during yesterdays game, one of them resulted in an RBI, which is rare, but shows his patience at the plate and willingness to maintain his good approach. Chase is also showing how well he’s adapting to playing everyday LF. This was a concern for some, since it was a new position for this kid, but he’s very athletic, has a great work ethic, and has shown very few signs of struggles in the field thus far. Last night was a good example of this as he was tested in virtually every way but having to throw someone out. He showed good range to both is right and left, and had a ball scorched directly at him, and anyone that’s played the game knows that those can sometimes be the trickiest of them all. He appeared to have no problems whatsoever, and fielded his position like a “pro”. Meanwhile he’s showing the FO that LF isn’t a concern if they should choose to leave him out there, allowing for them to keep both he and Kouz in the same lineup, and not have to trade one or the other. Which in this persons opinion is the best solution of all.

Padres pitching was still pretty dicey, and when it allowed 7 runs in the 3rd inning, I think most Padre fans got that uneasy feeling that even the 11 run lead wasn’t safe. Not to be this day, as the offense picked up the slack and hammered out 5 more runs to ensure the series victory.

This begs another poll regarding what fans really think our goals for the remaining season should be. Vote to your right for whether you think the Padres should play hard the rest of the way risking the 1st overall pick, or whether they should play for that pick knowing what kind of talent in Strasburg awaits the winner of that prize.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
San Diego
4 0 7 0 0 3 1 0 1
16 20 0
0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0
7 14 0

Play Ball !!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Forum Game - Elsinore - 7-26-08

Tonight the SOSD Padres forum had it's first 2008 LE Storm meet and greet. We all met at "henry's" house for a ......few.......beers before heading over to the Diamond.

Lineup's go like this......

Inland Empire 66ers
1- Trayvon Robinson
2- Bridger Hunt
3- Tommy Giles
4- Drew Locke
5- Austin Gallagher
6- Matt Berezay
7- Christian Lara
8- Justin Fuller
9- Esteban Lopez
P- Jerome Williams

Lake Elsinore Storm
1- Cedric Hunter
2- Eric Sogard - DH
3- Kellen Kulibacki
4- Mitch Canham
5- Brian Joynt
6- Jeremy Hunt
8- Keone Ruth
9- Jesus Lopez
P- Rolando Valdez

It was a great night for baseball at the Diamond as the weather stayed in the 70's for most of the evening. We showed up ready to watch the future of the Padres perform and we didn't leave wanting. Kellen Kulbacki, Cedric Hunter & Jeremy Hunt all had two hits, but it was Hunter and Kulbacki that flexed their muscles.. In the 5th inning with 1 on and 2 outs Cedric Hunter came to the plate and hammered a 2 run HR to CF for his 5th of the season. In the 6th it was Kulbacki's turn to go deep with 1 on and 2 outs, and put his 17th of the season well over the RF monster.

Meanwhile Rolondo Valdez was smooth and in control for 5 innings, and kept the 66ers off balance all night. He got a little shaky in the 6th, but worked his way out of the inning for a very solid start.

Robert Woodard came on in relief of Valdez and one thing that caught all of our eyes was this guys strange wind up....check it out !

July 26,2008

Final 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Inland Empire
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 5 1
Lake Elsinore
0 2 0 4 0 2 0 0 X
8 10 0
Recap | Box
W: R. Valdez (3-4, 4.04); L: J. Williams (0-1, 6.30)
HR: LAK: K. Kulbacki (17), C. Hunter (5).

Elsinore is currently in 4th place, 3.5 games out of it and very much in the mix.......Go Storm !!!

Play Ball !!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

MiLB updates coming soon

Coming soon

- Recap on how our top prospects, and a few others are doing at the various levels

- Recap on how our DL victims are fairing and when we can look forward to them getting back to business

- A look at the draft, who has signed, and how they might project

- A look at the possible future of the big league club and who might project out as a Padre

Keep checking back

Play Ball !!!

Padres drop 2nd half opener to Cards

Jake Peavy was in 2nd place in the ERA hunt to start the night. He got the call to open the 2nd half, and everything was off to a very Jake Peavyesque start, and the boys even spotted him to a 1st inning 1-0 lead. But things quickly unraveled for Jake, and he fell victim to Troy Glaus twice and also was taken deep twice by two other Cards and it proved the difference in the game.

Edgar Gonzalez started off the 2nd half just like he played the first the 3rd inning EGon connected for his 4th HR of the year of Kyle Lohse, but it would quickly be answered in the bottom of the same inning by back to back Cardinal HR's.

The Padres have quite to do to improve this team, and at least become competitive........tonight was actually a solid game, and amazingly enough it was the usually reliable Jake Peavy that gave this game away......

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
San Diego
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 9 0
St. Louis
0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 X 4 9 0

Play Ball !!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Padres drop finale to Fish

Despite Scott Hairston being on fire with the bat, and leaping above the wall to rob HR's, the Padres couldn't muster any consistant offense to help the pitching out. Baek started the game and made a couple mistakes, but overall pitched pretty well, but got near zero love from the lineup. Unlike the night before the Padres bats seemed to have holes in them again, except for Hairston, who continued his torrid pace by notching his 14th HR of the year in part time play.

Scott Hairston as a CFer is now hitting .340 ba/.349 obp/.698 slg in 106 AB's.....
Not too shabby!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2
5 8 1
San Diego
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
2 6 0

Play Ball !!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Been on Vacation for 2 weeks

Back from taking two weeks off in the lovely vacation destination city of Detroit. I'll be back to updates soon, so keep checking back while I update myself on the goings on of the past few weeks in the world of baseball.

Play Ball !!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Final Hall of Fame Game Rained Out !

Well this sucks ! What a bummer deal for our boys of summer........The final HOF game was canceled due to bad weather.

Thunderstorms nix Hall of Fame Game
Inclement weather cancels tradition; refunds available by mail

Interleague continues

Padres were in Cleveland this week.......and dropped 2 of 3 to the Indians

June 13, 2008
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
San Diego
0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 5 14 0
1 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 X 9 12 0

June 14, 2008
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R H E
San Diego
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 5 8 13 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0

June 15, 2008
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
San Diego
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 1
0 0 1 3 0 1 2 0 X 7 11 0

Now it's off to the final HOF game

Play Ball !!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Padres take series behind a brillant Peavy start

Padres win 9-0

Jake Peavy was back at it again, after a little vacation for his elbow, and it didn't appear he missed a beat. Peavy went 6 shutout innings in his first start in about a month, giving up only 3 hits, walking nobody and striking out 4. He was in control from the moment he stepped on the mound, and it actually seemed like he was relying less on overpowering guys, and more on the "pitching" aspect of the game. He used his entire arsenal, and a # of batters were unhappy to see his change up screw them into the ground. He kept guys off balance, and guessing, while keeping his pitch count well in check at 72, while throwing 52 of those for strikes.

In the 1st inning the Padres gave Jake quite a bit of breathing room topped off by back to back jacks from from Brian Giles and AGon, and when the dust settled the Padres had put up a 5 spot in the first.

Giles sent a Kuroda pitch with 2 on, over the Rt/Cf wall for a 3 run shot, and then AGon deposited his 18th of the season into the LF seats sending the crowd of 36,000+ on a getaway day into a frenzy. The BEAT LA chants began and stopped only after the final pitch.

Gerut & Edgar Gonzalez also got into the action continuing their torrid pace and each logging another multi-hit game. EGon has his BA up to .322, and is continuing to show he belongs playing at this level. While Jody Gerut has his BA up to .274, and is showing that he's back and can play the OF with the best of them.

The boys are off to Cleveland now for a 3 game series, and then to the Bronx for a 1998 rematch with the Yankees. So stay tuned Friar fans......

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
LA Dodgers
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
San Diego
5 0 1 0 0 0 1
X 9 12 0

Play Ball !!!